European Evangelical Alliance
Niek M. Tramper
General Director (since September 2010)
Adress: Hoofdstraat 51a
3971 KB Driebergen
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0)343 513 693
Fax: +31 (0)343 531 488


The European Evangelical Alliance brings together both the national  Evangelical Alliances of Europe and a large number of pan-European  mission agencies. It has existed as a regional group since the 1950's,  but traces its roots to the 1846 conference at which the World  Evangelical Alliance (WEA) was established. It is the European section  of the WEA.  EEA serves as a meeting place, a platform for common  action, and a voice for Europe's Evangelicals.



World Evangelical Alliance
Dr. Geoff Tunnicliffe
CEO / Secretary General

Church Street Station
P.O. Box 3402
New York, NY 10008-3402
Phone +[1] 212-233-3046
Fax +[1] 646-957-9218


World Evangelical Alliance is a global ministry working with local churches around the world to join in common concern to live and proclaim the Good News of Jesus in their communities. WEA is a network of churches in 129 nations that have each formed an evangelical alliance and over 100 international organizations joining together to give a world-wide identity, voice, and platform to more than 600 million evangelical Christians. Seeking holiness, justice and renewal at every level of society - individual, family, community and culture, God is glorified and the nations of the earth are forever transformed.


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